China , officially the People's Republic of China (PRC), is a sovereign state in East Asia. It is the world's most populous country, with a population of over 1.35 billion.
The capital is Beijing. The official language is standard chinese. The president is Xi Jinping. He succeeded Hu Jintao (11.15.02 to 11.15.12).
China is the largest country in East Asia and the most populous in the world with over 1.3 billion people, approximately one-fifth of the world's population. China is a single-party state governed by the Communist Party of China (CPC). Communism means all economic and social activity is controlled by a totalitarian state dominated by a single and self-perpetuating political party. In theory, under communism, all means of production are owned in common, rather than by individuals ( see Marxism and Marxism-Leninism). In practice, a single authoritarian party controls both the political and economic systems. The Communist Party maintains strict control over the people. The authorities still crack down on any signs of opposition and send outspoken dissidents to labour camps.
All communists are socialists, which is an economic system - the government maintains the dominant influence over the economy - in which the production and distribution of goods are controlled substantially by the government rather than by private enterprise, and in which cooperation rather than competition guides economic activity.
The Capital is Beijing . The President is Hu Jintao. On 15 November 2012, Hu relinquished the titles of General Secretary of the Communist Party and Chairman of the Central Military Commission of the CPC and was succeeded by Xi Jinping .
The Country profile , the CIA Factbook, and the history.
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U.S. relationship with China
Examples of issues where progress can be made in the future:
First, we can cooperate to advance our mutual interests in a lasting economic recovery... We can promote financial stability through greater transparency and regulatory reform. We can pursue trade that is free and fair, and seek to conclude an ambitious and balanced Doha Round agreement. We can update international institutions so that growing economies like China play a greater role that matches their greater responsibility.
Second, we can cooperate to advance our mutual interest in a clean, secure, and prosperous energy future.
Third, we can cooperate to advance our mutual interests in stopping the spread of nuclear weapons.
And fourth, we can cooperate to advance our mutual interests in confronting transnational threats. The most pressing dangers we face no longer come from competition among great powers -- they come from extremists who would murder innocents; from traffickers and pirates who pursue their own profits at the expense of others; from diseases that know no borders; and from suffering and civil wars that breed instability and terror.
4.12.10 Highs and lows in U.S.- China relationship.
China led a military assault on Tibet in October 1950, and in April 1951 Tibet's leaders said they were strong-armed into signing a treaty, known as the 'Seventeen Point Agreement', which gave China control over Tibet's external affairs and allowed Chinese military occupation, in return for pledging to safeguard Tibet's political system.
There was widespread open rebellion against Chinese rule within Tibet by 1956, which tipped over into a full uprising in March 1959. Tibetans say that thousands died during the occupation and uprising, but China disputes this.
On the night of 17 March the Dalai Lama fled to northern India. Some 80,000 Tibetans followed over the next few months.
The Chinese government went on to establish the Tibetan Autonomous Region (TAR) in 1965, and in 1966 Tibet was subjected to China's Cultural Revolution, which destroyed a large number of its monasteries and cultural artefacts.
Tibet functioned as an independent government until China sent troops to Tibet in 1950, and summoned a Tibetan delegation the following year to sign a treaty ceding sovereignty to China.
A security camera captured the incident on tape. After the video was posted online, Yueyue's plight prompted sympathy, outrage and debate in and outside China. How could 18 people pass by the critically injured child and do nothing? The incident has also prompted widespread soul-searching in China about the state of the nation's morality and civic-consciousness. The incident has also prompted widespread soul-searching in China about the state of the nation's morality and civic-consciousness.
Why is it so difficult for Chinese nowadays to be a Good Samaritan ? There are many possible explanations and many possible culprits.Some blame it on the lack of laws and regulations. Others argue it's caused by the failure of China's education system to inculcate respect for human life and dignity.Still others blame it on what some call "jingshen kongxu", or spiritual vacuum. As the country's 1.3 billion people compete to make money and climb the economic and social ladder, experts say, many people find themselves spiritually adrift.
Pope Francis reaches out to China as he begins Asia trip.
Despite the Vatican's objections, Beijing insists on maintaining a state-controlled Catholic church that does not answer to Rome. There is also a large underground church, and the two sides disagree over which has the authority to ordain priests.
November 2009: Mixed-Race TV Contestant Ignites Racial Debate In China - Lou Jing, 20-year-old Shanghai woman whose mother is Chinese and father is African-American.