Wednesday, July 14, 2010
NAACP, the Tea party, and Shirley Sherrod
NAACP Ben Jealous speaking at the 2010 Convention:
7.12.10 NAACP to condemn 'racism' of the Tea Parties.
7.14.10 NAACP passes resolution blasting Tea Party 'racism.' Ben Jealous explains why the resolution was passed. The resolution was passed to condemn extremist elements within the Tea Party, calling on Tea Party leaders to repudiate those in their ranks who use racist language in their signs and speeches. Tea party leader, Mark Williams, is trying to condemn the NAACP. Video showing racism within the tea party.
7.18.10 CNN's Don Lemon speaks with Rev. Al Sharpton who gives his views about the Tea Party movement.
7.18.10 New Developments: Mark Williams & Tea Party Express expelled !
The National Tea Party Federation, an organization that represents the Tea Party political movement around the country, has expelled conservative commentator Mark Williams and his Tea Party Express because of an inflammatory blog post he wrote, federation spokesman David Web.
7.18.10 The National Tea Party Federation's David Webb explains why his group expelled Mark Williams and his Tea Party Express.
7.18.10 Ben Jealous: "Getting rid of Williams is a good start."
7.19.10 Andrew Breitbart, a conservative blogger, published a video of a speech by USDA employee Shirley Sherrod in an attempt to show that the NAACP itself tolerates racist behavior within its ranks – a stinging accusation just one week after the civil rights group made a similar charge against the conservative Tea Party movement. The video clip showed Shirley Sherrod, who later became an Agriculture Department employee, seeming to say she had not done her utmost to help a white farmer save his farm 24 years ago was taken out of context, and fails to include the point of her story - that people need to move beyond race. The NAACP and Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack rushed to judgment. Vilsack forced her to resign. But after the full video surfaced, it proved that Shirley Sherrod's message was taken out of context. The NAACP, and Vilsack, and the White House apologized to Sherrod and she was offered a new job in the Agriculture Department. Additionally, black farmers have yet to be paid by congress for a racial bias settlement they won in 1999.
7.22.10 Pres. Obama and Mrs. Sherrod speak .
All videos
NOTE: The lesson for the nation here is to not rush to judgment before having all of the facts. When Breitbart released the partial video (and remember he did it to get back at the NAACP for calling the tea party out on the racial elements within their group. And he wanted to take media attention off of Mark Williams' racial comments) the NAACP, Tom Vilsack, and the White House should have called Shirley Sherrod to hear her story before rushing to the wrong conclusions and firing her.
7.21.10 writer Alex Pareene: Vilsack offers Shirley Sherrod a new job.
7.23.10 Op-Ed Columnist Bob Herbert: Shirley Shorrod, Thrown to the Wolves.
7.24.10 Op-Ed Columnist Maureen Dowd : The Obama White House is too white.
7.27.10 Huffington Post Writer Duchess Harris: Shirley Sherrod for President.